Photo Image Certificates Reviews
Powerful Colorful and Authoritative
This is a wonderful certificate for the Social Studies. the colors are bright and the paper is high quality so when the kids get one they feel very special. Its definitely worth the price.
Excellence in Color and Design
These certificates are well worth the price. They are on high quality paper that you can feel is superior to copy paper to make the students feel special
Excellence in Color and Design
These certificates are well worth the price. They are on high quality paper that you can feel is superior to copy paper to make the students feel special
Thanks for such an nice product
This product is on a nicer, thicker paper and just right for a certificate. I appreciate the free templates to use. We couldn't get one line aligned for some reason and your staff at resource took the picture I sent, made the adjustment and it worked perfectly. I greatly appreciate that resource as well. Saved SO MUCH time.
Nice Paper
The certificates arrived in perfect condition. They were good quality paper and the design was very nice.
Certificate of Perfect Attendance
Has the fastest delivery ever. Great company to work with online and on the phone.
Very nice certificate
This certificate has an elegant look to it with a decent stock weight & ease of printing personalized details. The speedy service from Jones is also great. These make the end of the school year frenzy much easier to deal with.
Elegant Certificate
This certificate has an elegant look to it with a decent stock weight & ease of printing personalized details. The speedy service from Jones is also great. These make the end of the school year frenzy much easier to deal with.
EXCELLENT APPEARANCE & QUALITY! DELIVERED IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS! We have been ordering with JONES for years and will continue! We order a number of certificates. Many are indicated below: Physical Fitness Blue Jones Classic Certificate Excellence Blue Ultra White Certificate Achievement Certificate Math Certificate Social Studies Certificate AB Honor Roll Certificate Chorus Certificate AB Honor Roll Certificate Physical Education Certificate Reading Certificate Math Certificate Completion Certificate Science Certificate Achievement Certificate - Colorful Math Certificate - Colorful Reading Certificate - Colorful Math Award Paw Certificate - Colorful Art Certificate - Colorful Science Certificate - Colorful Kindergarten Certificate - Colorful Writing Certificate - Colorful Character Certificate - Colorful Outstanding Effort Certificate - Colorful Certificate of Award Certificate - Colorful
EXCELLENT APPEARANCE & QUALITY! DELIVERED IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS! We have been ordering with JONES for years and will continue!
EXCELLENT APPEARANCE & QUALITY! DELIVERED IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS! We have been ordering with JONES for years and will continue!
Great Certificate for a Technology Class!
After seemingly endless searching online (to little avail) for award certificates for my computer class students, I came upon these and they are perfect for recognizing student achievements in a computer or related technology class. The online templates made filling in information easy and gave a professional appearance. I will continue to purchase these certificates for future computer classes and highly recommend them to other computer/technology teachers.
Science Fair certificates
Very nice certificates and came quickly.
Science Fair certificates
Very nice certificates and came quickly.
When I purchased the certificates it asked when I wanted them delivered. I responded November 27th since we would be out for Thanksgiving break. UPS attempted to deliver 3 times during the break and when we received the delivery I had about 20 certificates that were unuseable.
District 147 Feedback
I think these are great incentives for the students. I like them a lot!
All certificates I purchase from Jones are good quality and shipped right away! I can always count on them!
Upgrading our awards
Our school has been wanting to upgrade our certificates for students who receive Honor Roll or Principal's List for the marking period. Jones School Supply had just the right certificate. The certificates are colorful, inexpensive, and of good quality. We are very pleased with our purchase.
This item is just a regular color copy.
Certificate Works So Well!
Certificate worked very well. Looked great! Very easy to set up with template guide. Exceeded expectations. Customer service was awesome and helpful! Will purchase again.